Traveling to all the corners of Oregon for the Nature Conservancy, we made a series of films highlighting the work being done by them.

Ashland, Oregon’s watershed above the town is very precious and every year it is threatened by fire. The Nature Conservancy has been finding new ways to map the land to understand how these fires move.

In Eastern Oregon, the Sage grouse have become close to extinct because their local habitat has been threatened into almost non-existence. The Nature Conservancy has been funding a novel way of planting new Sage brush with the same technology that’s used in diapers.

On the Zumwalt Prairie there is a lot of grass and a lot of cattle. The Nature Conservancy has funded a program to use Satelites to figure out how its playing together.

The Willamette River has supported life along it’s shores for a very long time. Unfortunately over time it has also been abused and has shrunken slowly over the past 100 years. The Nature Conservancy has been working to restore its banks and reincorporate its abused waterways.

The Oregon coast is wild and beautiful, this is an ode to it’s untamed wonder. From crashing waves, rocky shores to sandy beaches, it’s surfers, sunbathers and fisherman all have a love for this epic coastline.



